Happy pi day

Happy pi day

Well it’s 14th March , 3/14 and I want to wish each one of you a happy pi day. I precisely don’t remember when I exactly fell in love with this number. But somewhere around grade 6th I guess, when I learned that pi=circumference/diameter I couldn’t really digest the concept of that number being a constant irrational number.

As suggested by my teacher, I went back home and drew a circle of known diameter. Took a piece of thread and wound over the circle and cut it. Then I measured the length to get the circumference and divided by the known diameter. Well! I didn’t get any irrational number. There is a limit to what I could measure with my scale. Why did I still do it!

It is all about getting the spirit of mathematics. It is so pure and divine and perfect that nothing in this world can ever offer the infinity that mathematics provides. Ever since then, I see pi in a different way. It meant something more than just a constant. For me, pi is the symbol of infinity.. yet with certainty.

That’s why we need to celebrate this day. For this number, which truly makes us believe in infinity.

For all the pi lovers out there, check out this site which is dedicated to counting down to the ultimate pi day moments.


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