Dan Brown’s Inferno


Dan Brown’s Inferno

Inferno-Dan Brown

I finished reading Inferno by Dan Brown last week. I have been reading it for quite some time since I have not been reading regularly.

So I haven’t written in a while and I always think that it would be good if I could write down my thoughts on the book after I finish reading. It would be good to read it later on. Meanwhile there are some books which I absolutely loved reading like ‘Pachinko’ and ‘Never Let Me Go’, but didn’t write about it since I felt it will not be able to capture all the different emotions I felt while reading those books.

So Inferno was quite different from the kind of books I usually read. This was more like a thriller, it had stuff like finding clues and suspense. But it also had a very detailed description about the places in which the story was set. The initial part was set in Florence and then in Venice. Later in Istanbul, Turkey.

I guess it’s time for a spoiler alert here!!

The story keeps us hooked with the suspense of whether Robert Langdon and Sienna Brooks will be able to stop a biomedical weapon from being set out to the world. This weapon was designed by the leader of the Transhumanist movement, Bertrand Zobrist. The people in the Transhumanist movement does studies in genetic engineering to improve the human lives. But according to Zobrist the current rate of growth of human population is posing a threat to humans itself and he wanted to release a biomedical weapon to reduce the human population.

The ending of the story was unexpected for me since finally they couldn’t stop this weapon and the story ended with a justification of how it was the right solution. 

I learned about a lot of artists and writers and their works from this book. Dante’s Inferno, sculptures by Michelangelo, the architecture of the ancient buildings in the cities where the story is set. I think it would be so much more enjoyable if I had visited these places before or if I get to visit someday, now that I have actually read about these places!

Overall, this book introduced me to some new places and thought process. It was more engaging towards the end, and I hope I get to visit these places someday and relive Inferno! 😇

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