The children in Lord of the flies

lord of the flies

The children in Lord of the flies

Most people have read Lord of the flies when they are in school but I read this classic book quite recently.
The book had an introduction by Stephen King so I had some idea about what was in store in the book. I just knew it had a dark side to it. But the fact that they were just kids made me think maybe it won’t be that bad.
When I began reading, Piggy was my favourite character until the point where Simon tries to talk sense to others and then Simon took that place.
In several surveys, people have voted for Simon as their favourite character followed closely by Ralph. Simon is that perfect God-like character and his destiny mirrors how such completely innocent people end up in real life.
So Ralph is the character which is as far as we humans can get. Making mistakes and learning from them. Having some amount of love and care for others and not a cruel heart like that of Jack.
That’s why Ralph has turned out to be a character that stays in our hearts for a long time.

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